What is the Transformational Discipleship Roundtable?
An informal gathering of ministry leaders who want to discover innovative skills to increase the emotional, relational, and spiritual maturity of their own soul and the life of their church.
What is the Gathering Network?
The Gathering Network has been a pioneering church in the missional-disciple-making movement since 2009, and we have been trained by some of the best thought leaders in the field.
In the last five years, we have seen profound fruit come from merging core practices of disciple-making with recent discoveries in neuro-studies, but even more specifically, neuro-theology - a study exploring the interchange between brain science and the God-human relationship.
Neuroscience has revealed a profound truth related to the Christian Gospel and Kingdom community - that human beings are much more likely to go on a journey of character transformation when their brain recognizes they are in the presence of people who are safe, who are attuned to them (even in their pain), and who are delighted to be with them, no matter what. This is a significant consideration for the evangelical church in America today.
We recognize that so much information and training exists for discipleship and spiritual formation but see a profound lack of skill-based practices for emotional and relational maturity in discipleship. As a result, we see the church struggling to remain its best relational self in our radicalized society. Innovations can be made to increase our emotional and relational resilience and fill these gaps in our discipleship.
Good news, though! Resources exist, and you have access to them. We’ll show you which ones have significantly impacted our transformation as a church and how we are using them.
What you will experience:
Calm and centered moments in the presence of God that settle your central nervous system, allowing you to become more present to the presence of God
Wise guides who can hold your story without judgement
Calm, joy-filled leaders who are glad to be with you
You will see how the pain and trauma of your life have been impacting your relational style and leadership
And much, much more
What will you learn?
How whole-brain life skills to mature disciples emotionally, relationally, and spiritually
How an attachment paradigm intuitively makes more sense to today's younger generation
How attachment styles impact relationships with God, self, and others
How to “hold space” with people in their pain without being anxious to fix them - allowing God to do the work.
How to develop core leaders toward relational, emotional, and spiritual health
How "Hesed" (loving and resilient) communities are the result of relational-spiritual discipleship
Join us for the Roundtable:
OCTOBER 24-26, 2022 - Kansas City
9 AM - 4 PM Monday and Tuesday
9 AM-12 PM on Wednesday.
Here's what you will receive:
2.5 days with Jon Shirley, our Team Leader, and other key leaders in our context.
The time will be loosely structured, making space for your specific questions.
Tuesday night access to Leader School - our leadership support and development program for House Church Leaders.
COST: $200 per person / $375 per couple
*Cost does not include food, lodging, or airport transportation.
Who is the TDR for?
The TDR is for ministry leaders (lead pastors, discipleship pastors, micro-church leaders - leaders who have positional influence to change culture) currently serving a local church who want to rethink previously held paradigms of discipleship that have not produced the desired outcome of emotional, relational, and spiritual maturity in disciples.
It is geared toward those currently in the leadership of local churches who desire to see how neuroscience wedded with spiritual practices can significantly impact discipleship and Christian community.
The TDR is perfect for those serving in or praying about starting smaller relational churches in the micro-church, missional community, or house church model.
It is also perfect for those in large churches wanting to see greater emotional, relational, and spiritual maturity grow in the small group or ministry team space.
The TDR is not for people who are curious or want to “check it out.” It is for leaders who desire to see their church, large or small, begin to make systemic changes over time that will result in a deeper quality of hesed love in their context.