PRAYER ROOM | Feb 15-17 | GN Training Center
An Interactive and Artistic Experience in the Presence of God
We are so excited to announce our very first Prayer Room experience to be held at the Training Center, Feb 15-17
We feel such anticipation growing around this effort to prioritize the presence of God as a community in 2024.
What is the Prayer Room?
The Prayer Room will be modeled after the 24/7 Prayer Movement (Lectio 365 app, the Prayer Course) which means it will be an interactive and artistic experience in the presence of God.
Thursday and Friday - 6:00 am-8pm.
Saturday - 6:00am-5pm.
Saturday Evening Night with God - 7pm
Sign up:
Sign ups are easy using the sign up calendar, it will even send you a reminder the day before.
We hope to have a minimum of 1 person for every hour the prayer room is open! You are welcome to sign up for multiple hours back to back, or come several times throughout the prayer room experience. Maybe coordinate with others to come at the same time!
Can more than one person sign up per hour? Yes, absolutely! We’d love to see every hour have multiple people utilizing the prayer room space!
Need to delete or edit your sign up? You can! Just go back to the calendar using the same device you signed up with and it should allow you to delete or edit your own sign up.
What can I expect?
Expect the entire journey through the prayer room to last anywhere from 45 mins to an hour, or more. How long it will take will depend on the time you have, or want to give to it. There will be multiple interactive stations for you to enjoy, and you will journey through them at your own pace. It will not be imperative that you do every station. The Prayer Room will be designed for you to go on a journey with God at your own pace, and to follow the Spirit’s lead.
Will it be private or public?
Though you are signing up for a specific time slot, the prayer room will be “open”. At times, there may be no other person (beside the host) in the Prayer Room. At other times, a few people may be quietly moving through the stations in the room alongside you, but the Training Center is large, and there will be multiple stations, so the experience will still feel very slow and personal.
Are Kids Welcome?
Yes! Some stations will be designed for children specifically. That being said, please be aware the Prayer Room is intended to be a quiet and still environment. If you plan on bringing children, we would suggest booking two sessions, one with them, and one without them - just to ensure you get to enjoy the experience uninterrupted.
The Training Center is address:
705 N. 6th Street KCK
For any additional questions or information please contact our administrative assistant, Ronda Adams at