This week in the Spring Lectio Series
HOUSE CHURCH LEADERS! Feel free to facilitate Lectio Divina yourself! It’s not hard; follow these steps.
First - watch the set-up of the passage in the video, then pause the video and follow these steps:
*note - soft prayerful music underneath this practice helps. Grab a Bluetooth speaker. Search William Augusto on Spotify. He’s the guy.
Read: Have someone slowly read the passage out loud. Everyone listens prayerfully as it is read. Allow a moment of silence after the reading.
Meditate: Have the same person slowly read the passage again. Before the scripture is read, encourage each group member to listen for one word or phrase to stand out to them. After a few moments of reflection - have people share the word or phrase that stood out. Give new folks a chance to pass.
Pray: Read the passage slowly again. Afterward, allow time for the group to pray out short prayers related to the themes, words, or phrases of the passage.
Contemplate: Finally, read the passage again, and sit quietly to reflect in silence. Each group member might ask themselves, “What’s the one thing from this passage I will take into my week?”