Here is a growing list of resources you will need for Leader School

Leader School Zoom Link: 

Vision of Leader School PDF


6/7 - Interactive Gratitude

6/14 - EHS Rhythms of Daily Office and Sabbath - Session 6

6/21 - EHS Develop a Rule of Life - Session 8

6/28 - Sacred Pathways - Sacred Pathways Assessment (revised) & Sacred Pathway Notes PDF


7/5 - WEEK OFF

7/12 - Sabbath - Sabbath Plan Sheet PDF

7/26 - Daily Rule of Life and Personal Prayer Plan - Rule of Life PDF


8/2 - Training Center Move

8/9 - Dinner with Amy Brown at Specker’s

8/12-13 - Immersion Weekend: Friday at 6:30pm to Saturday at 5pm

8/16 - WEEK OFF

8/23 - House Church Values

8/30 - Your House Church? - Your House Church PDF


9/6 - Tangible Presence

9/13 - Communities of Counter-formation

9/20 - Sacrificial Mission

9/27 -Vision Day Prep


10/2 SUNDAY - VISION DAY! - House Church Commissioning

10/4 - House church basic skills. Canceled

10/11 - House church basic skills

10/18 - Covenant and Kingdom - Putting the OS together / Who I am In Christ PDF

10/25 - House church basic skills


OFF - No sessions

Track One:

Tuesday Evening 4/26/22

Empowerment Wheel

Tuesday Evening 4/19/22

Attachment, Big Six, and Your Relational Style

Tuesday Evening 4/12/22

Quick Attachment Style Quiz

PDF - Attachment Style with God and Others

Adam Young Interview Part 1:
Adam Young Interview Part 2:

Podcast recommendation: Intentional Spiritual Formation: Discovering your Identity and Calling by John Mark Comer

Tuesday Evening 3/15/22
Questions to ask your family

Tuesday Evening 2/22/22

EHS Supplement Question

Tuesday Evening 2/15/22

Active Listening PDF

Listening Self Assessment PDF

Tuesday Evening 2/8/2022

Soul Assessment PDF

Theology of Spirit, Soul, Body PDF


Genogram Workbook