There are so many things to celebrate as we review 2022
30 leaders in Leader School began a two-year developmental journey to become safe, skilled, and Spirit-filled House Church Leaders.
9 House Churches were commissioned on Vision Day, and there is significant discipleship happening in them!
2 Connect Events: Spring and Fall Retreat allowed us to deepen relationships across the Network.
We hired Ronda Adams to serve as the GN administrative assistant - she has been a GODSEND!
Vision was clarified, and we set our hearts on transformation as a key metric of growth, health, and success as a church.
And so much more!
Through 2022 we felt God was asking us a simple question to clarify our vision as a church….
“What is the Gathering Network’s job?”
Getting clear on our job - why we exist as a church - would inform and clarify everything we do.
This year we invested in two transformational initiatives (among others)
Leader School and House Churches
Here’s what Jami and Logan Clark had to say about their experience this year in Leader School - our new equipping school for House Church leaders.
“Leader school has been a beautiful combination of education, experience, and community - equipping us to engage our stories honestly and with curiosity as well as build our capacity to hold others’ experiences apart from our own. We have found a common language and practical techniques to grow in being present to each other and those around us.”
Here’s what Jesse and Lauren Slay had to say about their House Church:
“Our house church is like family to us. We take care of each other, and Lauren and I feel that as we have a new addition to the family, our new baby boy! I see God growing us closer and making us a safe space for new believers or people going through deconstruction.”
In these and other places around the GN, God is changing and transforming lives.
At mid-year, we released a full-scale financial report called the Surviving to Thriving Initiative detailing our vision for the remainder of 2022 and where we stood financially.
As a church, we have our financial challenges and limits, and we need to grow.
We also know you have choices about where to invest financially to advance the Kingdom of God.
You may ask, "Why would I give to the Gathering Network?"
Here is something to consider…
The Gathering Network is fulfilling the Great Commission by making disciples and advancing the Kingdom of God.
It is a good investment because it is a fresh expression of Kingdom community and people are transforming here, and we are just getting started.
The 2022 budget was approved at $330,550
We did not spend the entire budget because we did not hire the Children’s or Youth minister positions approved in the 2022 budget.
We also did not spend all that was budgeted in other key areas.
We are projected to SPEND $281,000 by the end of the year.
However, we are projected to RECEIVE $270,000.
*This leaves a deficit of $11,000 between 2022 expenditures and revenue.
*The 2022 budget was greater than our giving by $65,550
*Per the $65,550 shortfall. The Elders and Board committed to spending strategically out of savings for the expanded staff, knowing Children and Youth are programs we must grow. The plan to invest in these growth objectives will roll over into 2023.
We decided to wait on the Children and Youth hires until we knew what our next steps would be coming out of COVID quarantine. We knew clarifying vision and plans would impact job descriptions.
While we have had exploratory conversations with a few people, we recognize that we are looking for individuals with a unique capacity of time and skill for these roles. These positions require a leader who's able to create pathways of spiritual formation for children and pre-teens in a decentralized House Church movement, which is not a typical church model. Both positions are part-time and require someone who's not looking for a full-time salary with benefits, but would have capacity to take on the role.
Please PRAY for God to provide these leaders.
The budget for 2023 will be at or near $$335,200
We have before us an enormous opportunity to sow into the Children and Youth at the Gathering Network because their discipleship and transformation are crucial.
To meet our budget in 2023 two things must happen:
We must grow and increase the number of people giving to the GN
Current giving must increase
If the GN is your home church and you are not-yet giving, begin giving what you can.
New givers/families tithing $100, $200, $350, or $500 a month would change the game.
If you are a current giver, consider increasing your monthly tithe, growing toward 10%
Givers/families increasing their giving by $20, $50, $75, or $100 a month would make an enormous impact.
2 Corinthians 9:6-8 NIV ~ “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
We believe people long to experience the tangible presence of God to calm the chaos of life.
We believe people are searching for meaningful relationships like never before in a radicalized culture of individualism.
We believe, despite what the enemy tells us, that people we know and love want to become fully alive in the divine love of Christ.